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Monday, February 8, 2010

Penelope (2006)


Penelope is a film for the fairytale-loving, romantic side of people. It takes us back to the basics of storytelling—a reminder of beloved tales such as Cinderella and Snow White, and their search for Prince Charming.

The story consists of a girl named Penelope who, generations before her birth, was cursed by a witch and condemned to be born with the face of a pig—and to live like so until she finds ‘one of her own kind’ who will love her unconditionally despite her condition. A search therefore ensues for her ‘Prince Charming’, as she simultaneously begins her own search for independence, acceptance, and happiness.

This film includes the typical things—such as ‘good vs. evil’ and important (even if heard before) morals—that one would expect to find in a fairytale. If nothing else, the inner child in everyone will welcome the change from the horror movies and murder-mystery shows it has been forced to watch so much of as of late.

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