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Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Return (Short)


Let’s start by saying that this is a low-budget, amateur production. That being said, you

The Return tells of a family whose members don’t get along exceptionally well, especially the father and son. After one particular disagreement, the son escapes from home, only to return a year later—as a zombie. Although the overacting suits the atmosphere of the film quite well, and the cinematography is not half bad (at least in some parts), there are some disappointing aspects.

The lighting isn’t that great (which is, however, to be expected from a low-budget production), and the sound levels are unequal at times, causing the viewer to strain to hear. The most disappointing thing, though, is what the film is in fact trying to excel most in—digital effects. The effects would have been much more believable if only makeup had been used—for the makeup that
was done is really quite good.

All in all, despite the disappointing aspects, the creator of
The Return managed to produce a satisfyingly creepy atmosphere and hop on to the zombie train while it’s hot—almost as hot as the vampire train.

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